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ABC trading

ABC Trading is an offshore company based in Tunisia and operate under a Canadian group of companies ABC Group and SIMEX International Group, witch have an experience of 35 years in industry, trading and Investment

ABC Trading work closely with Qualified Buyers as well as Seller and their signatory Mandates worldwide who meet the financial criteria required to transact petroleum products

Relies on a multilingual, dynamical an experimented team. In place and active in CANADA, Africa, Europe, Middle East and Asia.

  • ABC Aeronautic

    • Manufacturer of 2 and 4-seater light aircraft.
    • Constructeur d'avions légers 2 et 4 places.

  • ABC Marina

    • Builder of pleasure and fishing boats ranging from 4 to 24 m.
    • Constructeur de bateaux de plaisance et de pèche allant de 4 à 24 m.

  • ABC Petroleum

    • Operator in the oil market
    • Opérateur dans le marché pétroliers

  • ABC Gold & Diamand

    • Trading and investing in gold, diamonds and precious stones
    • Commerce et investissement dans l'or, les diamants et les pierres précieuses

  • ABC Prepreg

    • It's a private international company specialized in manufacturing prepregs using epoxy.
    • Compagnie internationale spécialisé dans la fabrication du pré-imprégné en epoxy.